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A REST API service for sending local files as attachments with Twilio Whatsapp API.

Dropilio project
Web and Hackathon
Tech Stack
PHP, Heroku, Twilio API, and Dropbox API

Dropilio is a REST API service for sending local files as attachments with Twilio Whatsapp API. This leverages the use of Twilio Whatsapp API for Desktop applications such as those built in Electron, GTK, etc.

If you are working on a Desktop application, and you want to send a Whatsapp message along with attachments using Twilio Whatsapp API, you must include a link to that attachment as a media resource. For this, your attachment must be somewhere on the Internet. Dropilio solves this problem by uploading your attachment to your Dropbox account and then gets a temporary link that can be used by the Twilio Whatsapp API.


Generating a Dropilio key

Using a long hash key is essential so that you can restrict unwanted access to your API endpoint. Use the following procedure to generate a Dropilio key.

Curl Request
curl \
-F TWILIO_SID=ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
-F TWILIO_TOKEN=1bfe3edaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
-F DROPBOX_KEY=eosylepoxxxxxxx \
-F DROPBOX_SECRET=owmt7xxxxxxxxxx \
-F DROPBOX_TOKEN=5r-OszpmbJAAAAAAAAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dropilio Response
    "data": {
        "hash": "r7c1c78ebruerc17r8c1c5c4x212pi2w21x2z1c8rrermeucpiwmzputz4zyewe7ekne83367323ccuewewng1084dncy484nknccnkxe9eulaqppqpqnbchciuirrer"
    "errors": 0,
    "errors_list": [],
    "status": 200

Sending Whatsapp message with media

To send Whatsapp message with media, to, body, media parameters are required. Make sure you use country code in the to parameter.

Curl Request
curl \
-F to=+9197801xxxxx \
-F body="Your message goes here." \
-F "media=@/path/to/the/file" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: your-authorization-key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Dropilio Response
    "data": {
        "account_sid": "ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "body": "Your message goes here.",
        "direction": "outbound-api",
        "from": "whatsapp:+14155238886",
        "num_media": "1",
        "sid": "MMe63f3bb421xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "status": "queued",
        "subresource_uris": "\/2010-04-01\/Accounts\/ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/Messages\/MMe63f3bb421xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/Media.json",
        "to": "whatsapp:+9197801xxxxx",
        "uri": "\/2010-04-01\/Accounts\/ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/Messages\/MMe63f3bb421xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json"
    "errors": 0,
    "errors_list": [],
    "status": 200

Sending Whatsapp message without media

To send Whatsapp message without media, to, body parameters are required. Make sure you use correct country code in the to parameter.

Curl Request
curl \
-F to=+9197801xxxxx \
-F body="Your message goes here." \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: your-authorization-key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Dropilio Response
    "data": {
        "account_sid": "ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "body": "how are you?",
        "direction": "outbound-api",
        "from": "whatsapp:+14155238886",
        "num_media": "0",
        "sid": "SMdf924da6e3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "status": "queued",
        "subresource_uris": "\/2010-04-01\/Accounts\/ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/Messages\/SMdf924da6e3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/Media.json",
        "to": "whatsapp:+9197802xxxxx",
        "uri": "\/2010-04-01\/Accounts\/ACd61axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/Messages\/SMdf924da6e3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json"
    "errors": 0,
    "errors_list": [],
    "status": 200

Sending with an invalid key

Sending an invalid key in the Authorization header will result in an invalid key error.

Curl Request
curl \
-F to=+9197801xxxxx \
-F body="Your message goes here." \
-F "media=@/path/to/the/file" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: invalid-authorization-key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Dropilio Response
    "data": [],
    "errors": 1,
    "errors_list": [
        "Key is either incorrect or tampered"
    "status": 403

Sending request without mandatory parameters and headers

The parameters to, body are mandatory. The Authorization header is mandatory as well.

Curl Request
curl \
-F to=+9197801xxxxx \
-F "media=@/path/to/the/file" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
Dropilio Response
    "data": [],
    "errors": 2,
    "errors_list": [
        "Authorization key is either empty or invalid",
        "body parameter is either empty or invalid"
    "status": 400

Sending request to invalid endpoint

Sending a request to a non-existent URL will result in a Not found error.

Curl Request
curl \
-F to=+9197801xxxxx \
-F body="Your message goes here." \
-F "media=@/path/to/the/file" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: your-authorization-key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Dropilio Response
    "data": [],
    "errors": 1,
    "errors_list": [
        "Not found."
    "status": 404